During the second year of studies I took part in Microsoft Imagine Cup competition in Software Design category for the first time. I was a member of yupieyes team, which included also: Marcin Jamro, Katarzyna Rzeszutek and Mateusz Michnowicz.

The main goal of the system was to help car accidents victims by providing paramedics with an easy and fast way of getting important information about victims health (like blood group and taken medicines) directly at the place of the car accident. It was possible by using specialized embedded device in car and Windows Phone application. All passengers data was updated wireless so in case of accident, every paramedic had an access to the most recent data. Thanks to that we could save plenty of time during rescue and save somebody’s life.

8chip system had a few cooperating parts:

  • Application for Windows Phone devices
  • Application for embedded devices
  • Administration app
  • Web application
  • Database
  • Web services

Architecture schema: